Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wilderness Workshop

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Family Medicine Interest Group
invites you to attend a
Wilderness Workshop

January 3, 2012
Room L-203
A delicious Thai dinner will be provided!

Dr. Raj Woolever and Dr. Deborah Taylor will be discussing Wilderness Medicine and demonstrating Field Triage. This workshop will include hands-on activities like learning proper evacuation and carrying techniques, bandaging, splinting, and scene assessment and de-crumpling. This will be a great opportunity to learn about the practical skills of Family Physicians and gain valuable medical skills!

Dr. Raj Woolever and Dr. Deborah Taylor are the Program Directors of the Central Maine Medical Center Family Medicine Residency. There will be opportunities to discuss doing away clerkships in Central Main at CMMC.

Happy New Year!
FMIG Leaders,
Daniel Hwang, Annie Jack, Laura Wong, Owen Kendall, Anais Parker, & Gayatri Boddupalli

FMIG Summer Planning Event for 1st Year Students

FMIG hosted a well attended (70 + students!) informal lunch for 1st years to hear from 2nd year students about their experiences last summer. 1st year students broke into groups and 2nd year students rotated to present and answer questions on the following topics:

- Family Medicine Externship Program
- Family Medicine Scholar Program
- Research (at BMC and elsewhere)
- Global Health
- The Other Side of the Bed

Thank you to everyone that participated!