Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dr. Gary Morsch on the Passion to Serve

Dr. Morsch is talking about choice vs. chance in life decisions. "Are
you in Medicine by choice or by chance?" You worked hard as an
undergrad and made many choices to get here. As medical students and
residents you continue to make choices about what you will do.
"Choices are made with a goal in mind."

Remember when you were interviewing for medical school, and you were
inevitably asked "Why do you want to be a doctor?" Think about your
original answer. Is it still the reason why you're doing this?

For Dr. Morsch, it's not about money, prestige, or initials by your's about changing people's lives.

He made 3 important choices in his life:
1) To go into Family Medicine. It's the specialty that gives you the
greatest opportunity to serve people (applause).

2) To make a difference. You can do many things outside of you
practice to: politics, community service, and anything else you can
think of.

3) To serve. He met Mother Teresa and worked with her off-and-on over
the last years of her life. She wanted him to go to the Home for the
Dying. He thought he could use his medical training to make a
difference. After walking past the men's ward, the women's ward, and
the kitchen, the Sister in charge asked him to bring a pile of garbage
to the city dump. He thought, "This is ridiculous! I'm a doctor. Why
am I hauling trash?" When he decided to quit for the day, he saw
Mother Teresa's words on the wall: "We can do no great things, only
small things, but with great love." That's what Family Medicine is
about, the opportunity to serve one human bring with love.

"Thank you." (applause)

Copies of his book, "The Power of Serving Others" is available in the
lobby for free. He requests donations to his NGO.

What a great start to Day 2!

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