Friday, August 15, 2008

"What is Family Medicine?" Panel

The Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) is presenting a "WHAT IS FAMILY MEDICINE?" speaker panel next week, Tuesday, August 19th, in room L-110 (first classroom on your right to the left of the security desk), from 1130am-1230pm.

Come listen and learn and ask questions about family medicine, and what doctors are doing with family medicine: sports med, international work, research, community vs. private practice. NO COMMITMENT needed to attend (we won't make you go into family medicine because you came to the talk)--come see if family medicine is something you would be interested in, or to come learn something new!

Food and drink will be provided so come by for our first lunch talk of the year!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

How was the panel? I was very sorry to miss it. While it was going on, I was eating Colombian soup in a restuarant called "Sopas y Postres" in Bogota. :)